We are a community of believers. What does the phrase "Community Together" mean? We believe that together in fellowship we grow closer to God and one another. The bible speaks about iron sharpening iron. We believe that together we grow stronger. 


We believe the King James version of the Bible is the inspired word of God. We believe in the Virgin birth, the death burial and resurrection of Christ.  We believe there is only one way to heaven, and that is accepting the free gift of salvation, provided by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, on the cross of Calvary.


We strive to be a church without walls. Jesus calls for us to go outside the walls to reach the lost and the broken. It is there that the lost will be found. Some churches find it is comfortable to stay within the walls, but we make it an effort to be like the church from the book of Acts, to see our city changed.


We highly value our relationships with one another. We look to grow through fellowship, and ultimately growing closer to God. We value the word of God, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We look to extend grace to all the lost and broken, and lead those with no hope to the hope of Jesus Christ.



The mission of Calvary Baptist Church is to bring light to a dark world by showing the love of Jesus to everyone in our community and then to the world.


We strive to be a church without walls. Jesus calls for us to go outside the walls to reach the lost and the broken. It is there that the lost will be found. Our church vision is to expand our ministries to the homeless, people who are struggling with chemical dependency or other life issues that keep them from living an abundant life, and those faced with a difficult  pregnancy decision.  We strive to show the love of Christ with every encounter outside our church walls.


We highly value our relationships with one another. We look to grow through fellowship, and ultimately growing closer to God. We strive to make sure our values mirrior biblical values. We value the word of God, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We look to extend grace to all of the lost and broken, and lead those with no hope to the hope of Jesus Christ.



  1. Founded in 1998 
  2. Meetings were held in different homes until a building could be purchased
  3. The first meeting in our building was held on April 19, 1998
  4. Due to growth a second building was purchased adjacent to our property
  5. With our building paid our vision has been to expand the number of missionaries we support
  6. We presently send support to 31 missionaries around the world and in the US, and will soon be expanding to local missions in our state



Timothy Hadley

Lead Pastor

Pastor Tim has been leading Calvary Baptist Church since 2013. He served as a missionary for 10 years and has a heart and passion for missions. We have increased the number of missionaries we support to 29. Under his leadership, our church will begin three new ministries to reach our community.  In the fall of 2022 we will begin Awana Clubs, Celebrate Recovery Ministry, and Making Life Disciples, to our church outreach ministries.  


We love our pastor!

David Dow

Associate Pastor

Pastor Dave also has a heart for missions. He served as a missionary in Grenada for 16 years. He teaches our adult Sunday School class and also leads our choir. Pastor Dow is always ready to serve with a smile. We appreciate his servants heart.

Ernie Kulhanek

Youth Sunday School Teacher & Awana Game Director

Ernie and his wife Judy have served for many years in youth ministry. Their love for Christ and our young people makes them the perfect choice to teach our teen Sunday School class. As a veteran, with over 20 years in  Awana ministry, Ernie will also be filling the role as Game Director for our new Awana program. He is a faithful dedicated member of our ministry team. He is a Navy veteran and serves as a volunteer fireman in our community. We appreciate his dedication to our youth and our community.

Esther Heatwole

Children's Ministry Director

Esther is a bit like the energizer bunny. You will see her hand in every phase of our children's ministry. She is a dedicated teacher, youth choir leader and junior church and VBS facilitator.  She has recently accepted a Director role for the Sparks, in our new Awana program. We are fortunate to have her serving as our Children's Ministry Director, and the Sparks Director. We appreciate her dedication to our ministry team.

Nathan Heatwole

SS Superintendent & Trustee

Nathan grew up as a Pastor's son, and knows exactly how important it is to serve in the church. He wears many hats. He is our Sunday School Superintendent, a trustee and helps his wife Esther in the Children's ministry. Nathan is a dedicated member of our leadership team. We are thankful for his dedication to our ministry.

Melissa Ireland

Treasurer & Video Technicians

Melissa has served our church as a sound technician for years. She specializes in video and powerpoint presentations. 

Melissa has recently been added to our church staff as our new treasurer. She is doing an excellent job of reorganizing our budget format and mastering our church financial

software. She is a faithful member and servant. We are thankful for her service.

Bob Seaward


Bob takes his position as Deacon very seriously. He is always ready to be of assistance to the pastor.  In addition to his duties as a deacon, he comes back after every service to sanitize our building, cuts the grass, and performs any other maintenance issues necesssary to keep our building in tip top shape.  We genuinely appreciate his willingness to serve.

Dave North

Youth Director

Dave is excited about his new position as our Youth Director and Awana Commander. He will be instrumental in getting this new ministry off the ground and running smoothly. He is very energetic, resolute and willing to serve as the Youth Director, Awana Commander and head of our financial committee, working alongside our treasurer. Dave is also the Lead Facilitator in our Celebrate Recovery Ministry. We are grateful for his service. 

Chuck Bower


Chuck has been a member of Calvary Baptist for many years.  He brings a bit of humor and fun to our congregation. He is always smiling and has the heart of a servant. Chuck also serves as an usher and a money counter. We appreciate his loving spirit and kind heart.

Judy Kulhanek

Missions Facilitator

Judy brings energy along with her ability to bring the mission field to us every Sunday as she presents letters from our missionaries with all their praises and needs for prayer. She keeps in contact with our missionaries and is a source of support for them. She also is the facilitator for our Missions Group and teaches with her husband in our Teen Sunday School class. We appreciate all she does in our ministry.

Joy Eisenhower

Kids Corner

Joy is loved by all her Kids Corner children and the adult children who enjoy the lesson every week.  She brings an object lesson that teaches our children about the love of God, and how to depend on him, communicate with him and have a personal relationship with him. Joy also sings in the choir, teaches in our Sunday School, and has volunteered to be a Leader in our new Awana program. We truly appreciate all they ways she serves in our ministry.

Sarah Turner

Ladies Ministry Facilitator  

Sarah has volunteered to be our new Mary and Martha ladies ministry facilitator. She comes to this new position with a lot or enthusiasm and excitement.  Sarah has a servants heart and has already been busy with new projects and is helping  plan our Annual Mother Daughter Banquet. We are lucky to have her sweet spirit and energy to head up our ladies projects this year. We appreciate her willingness to serve.

Theresa Hadley

Marketing Director

Theresa loves graphic design and  working on the website for our church. She works with creating campaigns and activities that introduce our church to our community. She also plays the piano and is the leader of our Making Life Disciples Team. Theresa is also a facilitator for our Celebrate Recovery Ministry. We appreciate her service.

Peter Dow

Deacon & Sound Technician

In addition to his duties as a deacon Pete has been instrumental in the development of our sound room and team.  He is very dedicated to this ministry and has spent many hours runnning wire and installing equipment to improve the quality of our audio. We genuinely appreciate his contribution to our sound program.

Kiley Griffith


We are so proud of Kiley. She is our youngest staff member, however, that does not prevent her from doing an amazing job of keeping our church buildings spotless every week. She has a great work ethic that will serve her well throughout her life. Kiley is active in our teen Sunday School class, and has volunteered to be a leader in our new Awana program. Kiley also serves as our teen editor for our news letter. She will be a great inspiration to the young children that will be attending the Awana Clubs. We appreciate Kiley's willingness to serve.